News 20.11.2018
2min read

Travel in four, pay for three… Wait, what?!

Yes, it’s that easy as it is said in the title! So if you are a leader and good organizer, try to find three of your friends who wanna come to see Chernobyl and you will enjoy our Chernobyl 2-day tour for free. Or, if you are a true friend, you can split the discount in between all of you. It’s up to you.

So how it works? It’s super-easy!

Ask your friends and put together a group consisting at least from 4 people (including you). To apply the discount just contact our customer care department ( and don’t forget to mention “3+1 special campaign” in the subject (or body) of your e-mail so we’d know, that we should apply the discount for you.

“What if we are a group consisting of 5/6/7?” Well, then only one of you are travelling for free (or still – you can split the discount in between you). But if you’ll find a group consisting of 8 adventurers, you’re lucky! Two of you will travel for free.

All clear? Then it’s time to call your friends and explore Chernobyl.

Oh, and hey! It’s a time-limited offer, so hurry up, we’ll not be so generous forever. You have time to buy the tour until the end of January (31.01.2019) and to use this special offer until the end of March (31.03.2019). And also, this kind of discount only binds to our Chernobyl 2 day tour or Chernobyl Power Plant and Pripyat tour (2 day).



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