How many of us think of Chernobyl, and instantly think of crazy mutants roaming the wasteland trying to kill every breathing thing it stumbles across? How many of us think of this creepy place, and think of something comparable to area 51 – soldiers patrolling the area, keeping the public out of the secrets it hides, cut off from the world…
How many of us think of Chernobyl, and instantly think of crazy mutants roaming the wasteland trying to kill every breathing thing it stumbles across? How many of us think of this creepy place, and think of something comparable to area 51 – soldiers patrolling the area, keeping the public out of the secrets it hides, cut off from the world…
The reality of the effects of radiation is far from this, but equally as disturbing. Chernobyl can be seen as a creepy place, of course – this is natural and only to be expected! An entire abandoned city with pockets of radiation still lurking since the disaster struck in 1986. Radiation can, and does, change people. It can mutate the body, and create all kinds of disabilities. However, not like we see in films, books and video games. The first-person shooter video game series ‘S.T.A.L.K.E.R’ is a good example of this.
In the first game of the series, the player takes on the role of an amnesic ‘S.T.A.L.K.E.R’ who is referred to as the “Marked One” tasked with killing another stalker called Strelok. During the course of the game, the main protagonist uncovers clues to his past and real identity while helping other stalkers and fighting mutated creatures that inhabit ‘The Zone’.

Other games contain similar concepts, such as the Fallout series, and ‘Metro 2033’Chernobyl (thankfully) does not contain anything of the sort in reality. For the most part, Chernobyl and the city of Pripyat are mostly safe – however some areas are more irradiated, and therefore more dangerous than others.
Statistics show that around 1800 documented cases of thyroid cancer in children who were between 0 and 14 years of age when the disaster occurred. Twenty-five years after the incident, restriction orders had remained in place in the production, transportation and consumption of food contaminated by Chernobyl’s radioactive fallout, this truly shows some of the devastating effects real-life fallout has on factors other than us humans. As you can imagine, radiation is just as grim in reality as you see in Science-fiction and horrors. Having said that, we hopefully won’t be seeing anything like this any time soon…
Anyway, come and wittness how is Chernobyl zone like on your own. Chernobyl welcomes you!