nyheder Mest læste 25.11.2020
6min read

First time in history: Chernobyl opened to online visitors

Walk in the footsteps of comrade Anatoly Dyatlov, marvel at the Chernobyl NPP with the New Safe Confinement and even visit the canteen where workers measure their radiation before they’re served – with the new online live-streaming tour Chernobyl Live all from the comfort of home.

The world is our oyster and all we have to do is hop on an airplane to discover new countries, learn new languages and collect unforgettable memories. Unfortunately, in 2020 Covid-19 coronavirus has squashed most of our travel plans for the time being. We believe that no one was ever more thankful for the invention of the internet. We can explore the world while enjoying the comfort of our couches.

Chernobyl live-stream lets us travel to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone to see how nature recovered after the disaster, gaze at the most famous Chernobyl NPP, and speak with the former residents – no equipment needed. Settle in, make yourself a DIY cocktail and explore Chernobyl liveable to help cure your growing wanderlust.

Why Chernobyl Live Tour?

Since establishing our tours in 2008 with the promise of making visits to Chernobyl finally safe and accessible for international travelers, in 2020 we can make it accessible for online travelers as one of the innovations sparked by Corona you will cherish more than your home office.

ImageAll this with a background of over 11 years spent in the Chernobyl Zone, including great professional guides and their best friend – the Geiger-Muller Counter (dosimeter). Curious, thrilled, excited. This is how most of you come to the tour, but ALL will leave reaching a new level of adventure. Who said online is less than real? See, feel, experience…we do the touch for you. For real. Including places where tourist groups dare not go. Not enough? Aha, are you coming to make a difference? Great! By taking the tour, you’re directly helping the Chernobyl Zone to preserve the most precious value – its people. 1% of the tour prices go directly to help the Chernobyl Babushkas.

Rain or shine, self-isolation or not, you can virtually tour some of the most iconic places of Chernobyl Exclusion Zone!

So if you’re looking for things to do at home, and in need of a change of scenery, simply grab your laptop, tablet or phone, and join us on a Chernobyl Live filled with history, nature and – of course – radiation (just kidding).

The Real Chernobyl Epicenter

Virtually or personally, we’ll show you pretty much everything that is important. We make no difference to the live tour, our guide will take you to the places that changed the world back in 1986. It may be a different type of experience, but believe us, put on your headphones, pull the curtains and you’ll feel as if you were right there. Only with one difference – that you’re sitting back home and did not cause any carbon footprint with your travelling. This is the benefit of virtual solutions! 🙂

ImageSome of the old signs in Pripyat city.

Chernobyl LIVE tour will take you online around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant from the very decision to build the largest nuclear power plant, through secret KGB documents stating what defects the fast construction caused, all the way to the destined night of the disaster.

What Will I See on Chernobyl Live?

ImageChernobyl Nuclear Power Plant nowadays.


From the comfort of your couch, we’ll together visit and learn more about the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, travel to the unfinished reactors #5 and #6 that were in 1986 under construction.

BTW, did you know that CHNPP was supposed to have 12 reactors, altogether? It was meant to be the biggest nuclear power plant in the world! Instead of this record, we’ll together see another one – the biggest moving structure in the world. Yes, we’re talking about the New Safe Confinement that covered the old sarcophagus above exploded reactor #4.

When we’ll be finished around the power plant, we’ll go through the infamous Red Forest to the power plant canteen where we’ll peek together to see where the workers eat every day. Then with a Geiger counter in our hands we’ll enter the abandoned city of Pripyat and wander together the empty and overgrown streets of this town which used to be a home for almost 50 thousands people.

Is it Safe?

ImageSuper-safe: Well, you‘re at home, just grab your dosimeter…Don’t have it? But we do have a Dosimeter for you!

Oh, and don’t worry, our trained guides will guide you only through safe points of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, just like they would do if you were right there with them. And if you’ll once come personally, these routes are super-safe. The dose of radiation received during 1 day spent in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone will not exceed 3-4 microsieverts (which is around 3 – 4 % of the nuclear power plant safety norm in European Union). Fun fact: 1 day in Chernobyl is an equivalent to around 4 hours of an intercontinental flight. And that’s something you’re willing to undergo anytime, right?

Wonder about the safety in the Zone? Click here.

How it works?


Everything happens online. Install the ZOOM app, find a cozy, comfy place to sit and click on the link we’ll send you. You’ll immediately be (virtually) teleported to Chernobyl, where a helpful and friendly guide will introduce themselves to you and the real experience will start. If you want, you can invite your friends & family to join you watching, asking, getting to know – you’re welcome to invite any large group to virtually explore Chernobyl with you. The price will be still the same.

This unique and interactive tour lasts for at least 1 hour with 10 breathtaking stops, with a lot of stories, old photographs, new information and a lot more. Check the whole itinerary of the tour here.

In case you miss your tour for some serious reason, you are free to join another one in your date chosen. The tour starts at 1 PM UTC/GMT time zone.

Well, that’s a truly interesting excursion! If you are interested in this tour, contact us via e-mail on info@chernobylx.com.

What other NO GO places would you like to visit online with us? Drop us a note at info@chernobylx.com.


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