Екскурсія на ЧАЕС
- 3 години
- 5-15 людей в групі
- Повний захист тіла
- 100% гарантія повернення коштів
- безкоштовне перебронювання та скасування за 14 днів до початку екскурсії
- English language, for other languages surcharge may apply
Найважливіші локації, включаючи знаменитий золотий коридор.
Супровід працівника ЧАЕС з багаторічним досвідом
Ліміт до 6 екскурсій на день
3 дозиметричні контролі, повний захист тіла, безкоштовна аренда лічильника Гейгера-Мюллера
Найважливіші локації, включаючи знаменитий золотий коридор.
Супровід працівника ЧАЕС з багаторічним досвідом
Ліміт до 6 екскурсій на день
3 дозиметричні контролі, повний захист тіла, безкоштовна аренда лічильника Гейгера-Мюллера
ВІДВІДУВАННЯ БЩУ (блочного щита управління) №2
Пройдіть тим же «золотим» коридором Чорнобильської АЕС, який проходив Анатолій Дятлов тієї фатальної ночі 26 квітня 1986 року, щоб спробувати знайти кнопку АЗ-5, яка була натиснута занадто пізно для запобігання вибуху, а потім подивіться, наскільки завантаженою може бути виведена з експлуатації АЕС після десятиліть простою. Станьте 0,1% відвідувачів Чорнобиля, які мають можливість побачити Чорнобильську АЕС зсередини, без ризику, безпечно та відповідно до вашого графіку туру Чорнобилем (ви можете піти на АЕС самостійно, без Вашої групи).
Завітайте до місць, які були найближче до чорнобильського епіцентру подій: БЩУ реактора № 2 та центральну диспетчерську Чорнобильської АЕС, підземний командний пункт, систему водяного охолодження реактора № 3, меморіал Валерія Ходемчука, центр безпеки та центр відвідувачів нового саркофагу. Завітавши на цей тур, ви станете 0,01% відвідувачів Чорнобиля, які по-справжньому стали інсайдерами.
Зверніть увагу, що тур Чорнобильською АЕС може бути організований не менше ніж за 15 днів до дати туру з міркувань безпеки.
PLEASE NOTE: This excursion will be during the time spent in the Chernobyl zone and accordingly it limits your Chernobyl tour program.
безпека на турах Чорнобилем.
Відвідування Чорнобиля безпосередньо пов’язано із радіацією. Так, ви зможете виміряти гарячі точки з безпечної відстані, дізнатися все про радіаційний захист 101. Ви постійно матимете з собою професійний дозиметр, оскільки ми пропонуємо вам найбезпечніший приватний тур Чорнобилем. Ми перевірятимемо отриману вами дозу опромінення за допомогою сканування всього тіла 3 рази на день.
Під час пандемії коронавірусу ми гарантуємо абсолютну безпеку вам та вашим попутникам, починаючи з дезінфекції на рівні авіакомпанії та інших заходів безпеки: контроль температури, медичні маски та рукавички, антибактеріальний гель, дезінфекція автобусів та автомобілів. Також гіди Чорнобилем та водії постійно носитимуть маски. Разом ми можемо гарантувати, що ви безпечно повернетесь додому в повному захваті. Щоб дізнатися більше, будь ласка прочитайте Corona update.
Ретельно й уважно обирайте провайдера вашого Туру Чорнобилем, оскільки останнім часом стали часто траплятися афери та нелегальні тури. Як обрати провайдера Туру Чорнобилем?
Через поточні обмеження, радіаційну безпеку або погодні умови в Чорнобильській зоні відчуження, ChernobylX залишає за собою право змінювати програму маршруту, інформуючи вас про будь-які обмеження.
Питання безпеки було першим, яке задав собі Домінік. Це наш засновник, який вперше відвідав Чорнобиль в 2008 році. І це залишається прерогативою ChernobylX. З того часу наші досвідчені гіди ведуть вас ЛИШЕ безпечними для здоров’я місцями та стежками. Ми гарантуємо, що доза радіації, отримана вами протягом 1 дня вашого приватного туру Чорнобильською АЕС, не перевищуватиме 4 мікрозівертів (4% від щоденної норми безпеки атомної електростанції в ЄС), що приблизно дорівнює 4 годинам міжконтинентального польоту. Більше тут безпека на турах Чорнобилем .
Meet and greet in Kyiv
“Welcome on the tour to Chernobyl! Let's make it the trip of your lifetime. It is 7.30 and we are departing, make sure you have your passports all the time with you. Here are newspapers from 1986 and in a while we will watch a documentary about Chernobyl.”
Checkpoint Dytiatky - Entering Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
“We are among the first here, we will skip the line anyway. Let's check in, grab our dosimeters, do radiation safety training and maybe have a cup of coffee or visit the restrooms.”
Pripyat City Sign
“The entrance to the city dating its foundation back to 1970 which is the same year as the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was started to be built. Tourists nowadays take pictures here, just like we did on our wedding day.”
Pripyat Fairground
“My daughter was looking forward to the opening of this grand amusement park on May 1st, 1986 because of the ferris wheel usually only privileged to large cities around the USSR. This did not happen, however we were able to take a test ride in March 1986 and had a great view on the city"
Pripyat Hospital no. 126
“I came down to the hospital the next morning after the explosion of reactor no. 4 for a check of my burned cheek, but I felt fine so I was released and called back on duty. If I new it was the last time I saw the hospital working, I would definitely say farewell to the doctor.”
Polissya hotel Pripyat
“Small restaurant, outdoor terrace and panoramic views on the top floor, it was the place where we could gather to celebrate important events or have a corporate party for just 5 rubles, which was no more than 5 dollars! I remember one night we got drunk with a Czechoslovak delegation that was staying at the hotel”
Townhall of Pripyat
“In this very building on the second floor I had my office, however the most memorable moment dod not happen there. It happened on the 3rd floor in the Assembly hall at 11 PM on 26th of April when we decided to evacuate the city on the next day.”
Palace of culture Energetik
“Energetik was the heart of our town. During the day we went to drama performances, music classes or the library. In the saturday night rather for disco. The whole front was lit in blue and red. It was something like our little strip of Las Vegas.”
Police Station of Pripyat
“The place where I used to work in the past. Our police station opened just 18 months before the Chernobyl accident. After the explosion on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant we still were doing our job, we were basically the only people left after the evacuation, protecting the city as before. Me and my comrades left this Police station only in 2002.”
Caffe Pripyat and Riverport
“Café “Pripyat” was one of the most popular places in our city. The interieur impresses people even nowadays as it is decorated with stained glass. A true masterpiece. But to be honest, we mostly came here because of the best lemonade in town, far ahead of the capitalist Coke!”
Pripyat Firestation
“Boys from Pripyat Fire department went to extinguish the fire at the Chernobyl Power Plant among the first with their 4 firetrucks. I remember, I went to get their captain to the site as he was celebrating his birthday.”
Music school of Pripyat
“While we were working hard to build socialism, my children were taking music classes at the Art school. They played two musical instruments, sang in a choir. I felt so proud at the end of each semester when they made a concert for us, parents, leaving us in tears.”
Swimming Pool Lazurny
“The biggest swimming pool Lazurniy (Azure) was a pride of our city! We use to come here right opened shortly before the accident in 1986, so I had the pride to go swimming there after its reopening for Chernobyl zone workers in 1988. Together with the sauna it was the best relax after whole day patrolling.”
Elementary school no. 3
“The largest elementary school in Pripyat with over 1400 pupils. Specialised in foreign languages - German, and also the imperialistic English.”
Child clinic Pripyat
“Socialism took good care of children, in Pripyat the best rehabilitation specialists from the Soviet union were invited to help disabled children. The clinic had a great reputation and my wife also went there for regular checks before she gave birth to our son.”
The tree of friendship of nations Pripyat
“This very first statue in Pripyat is decorated with the coat of arms of all 13 Soviet republics. It bears the same name as the street which was built first in our city and it was the first thing I have seen when I arrived in the city by bus in the night, as the bus station is just few steps away. “
Bus station Pripyat
Bus station “Pripyat” was one of the main bus intersections in Ukraine, connecting this part of the country with Kiev and other main cities, even with Belarusian Soviet Republic.
Yubileinij Department Store
“Wanna get a haircut? Just 40 kopeikas and your hair is lit! The most expensive haircut was 1 ruble and 60 kopeikas. In this largest department store in Pripyat everything looked like a great deal.”
The White House
“The White house, how we – regular people - used to call it was the apartment building where the Administration of the city and Power plant lived including former director Victor Bruchanov. I remember sitting at the central square and re-reading two giant soviet slogans “Glory to party” and “Glory to Lenin” over and over.”
Pripyat Football Stadium
“Our city football club Stroitelj Pripyat was created mostly by players from the nearby village Chistogalovka. We were proud fans, as it became the regional champion of the Kyiv region — not once, but 3 times in a row: 1981 to 1983.”
“Our city opened one of the first supermarkets in Soviet Union at the central square, my wife loved to shop there, while I was looking at the nice furniture on the second floor. She always bought us some ice cream that we cherished on our way back home.”
New Safe Confinement of Reactor 4 (New Sarcophagus)
“After exactly 30 years, we ensured the safety of Europe by putting this New Safe Confinement above the old sarcophagus. To build the old one in Soviet times took 7 months. The new one was done in 9 years. But it should last another 100.”
Chernobyl 2
“Secret military town. On the old maps it was marked as Pioneer Camp for children. I could not even go close to it. Only after the military abandoned it just few days after the accident.”
We saw this monstrous radar from our home in Pripyat, we were told it is some kind of antenna. Soviet over-the-horizon Duga Radar in Chernobyl was the third of its kind in the USSR but it was basically commissioned due to numerous flaws.”
Chernobyl Memorial Park
“The Chernobyl memorial park has162 tablets with the names of permanently evacuated towns and villages. And a postbox for all of the forgotten addresses.”
Lenin Monument
“Statues of Lenin were everywhere across the Soviet Union and our beloved city Chernobyl wasn’t an exception. Each kid was calling him “Grandpa Lenin”, even my daughter. Today, this is the last statue of Lenin in Ukraine.”
Fire Station Chernobyl Memorial
“To those who saved the world... The families and friends of the firefighters and Chernobyl Power Plant staff survivors built this monument on their own using real equipment and concrete. Each year on the 26th of April they gather here to commemorate the ones who they lost.”
This was the largest village in the Chernobyl region, now completely abandoned. Only the slogan in the Palace of culture "Communism is a bright future for the whole human being" stays the same.”
Dosimetric Control
“The last dosimetric control of today, checking if our clothes did not get contaminated and we are safe to get back to Kyiv. No hurry, take pictures if you want.”
Arriving back to Kyiv
“One last farewell or let's have a dinner together? It was unforgettable to have you on the tour! Hope to see you again soon.”
Meet and greet in Kyiv
Checkpoint Dytiatky - Entering Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Pripyat City Sign
Pripyat Fairground
Pripyat Hospital no. 126
Polissya hotel Pripyat
Townhall of Pripyat
Palace of culture Energetik
Police Station of Pripyat
Caffe Pripyat and Riverport
Pripyat Firestation
Music school of Pripyat
Swimming Pool Lazurny
Elementary school no. 3
Child clinic Pripyat
The tree of friendship of nations Pripyat
Bus station Pripyat
Yubileinij Department Store
The White House
Pripyat Football Stadium
New Safe Confinement of Reactor 4 (New Sarcophagus)
Chernobyl 2
Chernobyl Memorial Park
Lenin Monument
Fire Station Chernobyl Memorial
Dosimetric Control
Arriving back to Kyiv
Питанні - відповіді
Наші клієнти кажуть просто: розповідання історій, які перетворюють чорнобильський тур, на досвід. Вир емоції під час зустрічі з героями Чорнобилю та чорнобильськими бабусями, по-справжньому тепле обслуговування клієнтів, турбота під час всього вашого туру. Відвідування віддалених локацій, тому що ми завжди йдемо далі. Та прямий шлях допомоги чорнобильській зоні – 1% для чорнобильських бабусь. Або ви полюбите тур на Чорнобильську АЕС на 100%, або це безкоштовно.
Не потрібно турбуватися, ми вас підстрахували. Все готово для вас (дозволи, транспорт, максимальна безпека, лічильники Гейгера-Мюллера, обіди, готель, дозиметричний контроль, найкращі гіди тощо). Візьміть паспорт, камеру, зручне взуття, гарний настрій, і давайте зробимо тур до Чорнобиля незабутнім!
Безпека насамперед, для нас це головне. Чорнобильська зона відкрита для відвідувачів з дотриманням усіх заходів безпеки. Це означає, що ви можете дослідити атмосферу покинутої території і бути в абсолютній безпеці! ChernobylX забезпечує абсолютну безпеку Вас та Ваших попутників шляхом дезінфекції та запобіжних вимірювань на рівні аеропорту: перевірка температури, маски для обличчя, рукавички, антисептик для рук, дезінфіковані автобуси та машини, гіди та водії в масках. З нашою компанією ви отримуєте абсолютно безпечний тур на Чорнобильську АЕС.
Для більш детальної інформації перейдіть за посиланням Corona update.
If you are considering a visit to see the Chernobyl exclusion zone, this is the tour that you should book. We saw everything that we wanted to. I would say that the highlight was the time Pripyat and the power plant tour. Highly, highly recommend.
The power plant tour was conducted by someone who works in the plant and was truly a once in a lifetime experience. We felt extremely safe throughout the duration of our tour. Two days really allowed us to explore the area in a way that would have felt rushed in just one day.
All logistics and communication was an absolute breeze, particularly since my tour operator switched last minute. Pickup and drop off back in Kyiv was central and seamless. Visiting Chernobyl and Pripyat has been a bucket list item for me since before it was opened up in 2011 to outside tourists, and NOTHING about it disappointed me or fell short of my hefty expectations...
We had a group of 6 and we were able to see all the main attractions and much more that is not available on the standard group tours. The Power Plant tour is definitely worth it as it is one of the few tours that allow you to actually enter the Chernobyl Power Plant. If you can only go on one tour, this is the tour I’d recommend! :)
This is a great immersive experience and we felt we had great value for the money paid. I can't think of a single thing we missed, our guide was flexible with what we wanted to see and the extra day really helped (not to mention the smaller group). Excellent job to this company for making us feel like we got what we paid for.
On the first day we visited the nuclear power plant and on the second one Pripyat and Duga. Everthing went according to the plan and fullfiled our expectations. Our guide (Helga) did a great job taking us to the most interesting spots and administrating our limited time.
Travelling during winter is a good idea, the "dead" forest allows you a clear view of the buildings and the area is not crowded at all...
Yes it is more expensive than the day trip but you see SO much more with this tour! 2-3 hours within reactor 3 with a guide from the power plant plus all the other incredible and harrowing sites within the Chernobyl exclusion zone including Pripyat and Duga! I would 1000% recommend this tour specifically with this company.
The tour was flawless, we had the best guides, Julia and Stan, and had the best time exploring the power plant and Pripyat. 2 days was just the perfect duration, nothing felt rushed. They were extremely knowledgeable, very caring, made sure we always had everything we needed for the tour.
The tour was brilliant, well organised with WiFi on the bus and pit stops available for food. We were in a group of 8 and we saw everything we wanted too and a lot more.10/10 would recommend this tour to anyone who is thinking about going to Chernobyl and Pripyat.
This trip was by far such an amazing experience, we saw so much and I feel the tour would not have been the same without our amazing tour guide Julia. She's amazingly friendly and we learned a lot from her! Everything about this trip is planned down to the T they arrange everything for you.